If you or your child is finding it difficult to manage the time you spend online, if you’re worried that you or your child is losing control, or if screen use is having a negative impact on different areas of your life (relationships, school or work, well-being, etc.), these resources can help.
Trouve ton centre
Trouve ton centre is a reference tool that aims to facilitate access to the services provided by various addiction prevention, treatment and harm reduction centres as well as to their contact information.
Trouve ton centre is the directory of Quebec’s addiction prevention network.
Trouve ton centre is the directory of Quebec’s addiction prevention network.
MSSS: Directory of addiction resources by region
This directory is intended for anyone seeking to help someone who is struggling with an addiction problem and should help direct the person in difficulty towards a specialized resource. It presents the public resources that provide treatment services as well as private or community residential facilities for addiction or pathological gambling that are certified or in the process of certification.
Your regional CISSS or CIUSSS
Integrated Health and Social Services Centres (CISSS) and Integrated University Health and Social Services Centres (CIUSSS) are located throughout Quebec. They ensure access, continuity, and quality of health and social services for the population and are reference points for people with physical or mental health problems.
Users can receive appropriate services or be referred to organizations that can treat their problem within the territory of the CISSS or the CIUSS.
Users can receive appropriate services or be referred to organizations that can treat their problem within the territory of the CISSS or the CIUSS.
Cavendish Addiction Readaptation Centre of the CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest
At the centre, professional staff are available to provide support and recommend treatment or services adapted to each person’s individual needs.
The following services are available:
The following services are available:
- specialized evaluation with a professional,
- outpatient group, individual, and family rehabilitation,
- social reintegration service,
- 21-day residential rehabilitation service (for adults),
- referral to specialized residential rehabilitation services (for youth)
For ages 17 and under
Directory of private practice psychoeducators
Directory to find a psychoeducator.
Psychoeducators work with people experiencing behavioural adaptation difficulties in their various living environments. To recommend an effective intervention, they asses the person’s psychosocial adaptation and adaptive capacities, establish a program, propose an intervention plan, oversee its application, then evaluate the results of the intervention.
Psychoeducators work with people experiencing behavioural adaptation difficulties in their various living environments. To recommend an effective intervention, they asses the person’s psychosocial adaptation and adaptive capacities, establish a program, propose an intervention plan, oversee its application, then evaluate the results of the intervention.
For ages 17 and under
Le Grand Chemin
Not-for-profit organization whose free services are intended for teenagers ages 12 to 17 who have developed or are in the process of developing a substance use disorder, problematic gambling, or cyberaddiction.
The program at Le Grand Chemin centres is eight to ten weeks of residential care and four months of follow-up social reintegration.
Their mandate is to welcome youth from all over Quebec.
The program at Le Grand Chemin centres is eight to ten weeks of residential care and four months of follow-up social reintegration.
Their mandate is to welcome youth from all over Quebec.
Première Ressource, aide aux parents
Première Ressource, aide aux parents is a free, confidential support service on parenting topics such as sleep, discipline, development, education, managing screen use, managing emotions, adolescence, and more.
Consultations are available by phone, email or chat, Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., throughout Quebec. A counsellor responds immediately (during business hours) or calls back as soon as possible.
Consultations are available by phone, email or chat, Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., throughout Quebec. A counsellor responds immediately (during business hours) or calls back as soon as possible.
Referral service of the Ordre des psychologues du Québec
The Ordre des psychologues du Québec provides a search tool for the general public, both online and by phone, to find the right professional in private practice according to various criteria. To make it easy to obtain results, the online tool proposes three criteria to launch the search: reason for consultation, clientele, and location.
These helplines offer 24/7, free and confidential professional support.
Gambling: Help and Referral
Accessible and bilingual specialized phone service that is free, anonymous, confidential and available 24/7.
The counsellors identify callers’ needs, evaluate the various potential solutions, recommend relevant actions, and direct them to appropriate resources.
For people with compulsive gambling or cyberaddiction problems as well as those close to them (family, colleagues, friends, etc.).
The counsellors identify callers’ needs, evaluate the various potential solutions, recommend relevant actions, and direct them to appropriate resources.
For people with compulsive gambling or cyberaddiction problems as well as those close to them (family, colleagues, friends, etc.).
Phone Montreal area:
Across Quebec:
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is a national support service that is accessible 24/7. It offers a professional intervention service, information, resources, and a volunteer support service for youth, in French and in English.
Whether by phone, text, mobile app or through its website, Kids Help Phone is always open to young people, in any moment of crisis or need.
Whether by phone, text, mobile app or through its website, Kids Help Phone is always open to young people, in any moment of crisis or need.
CONNECT to 686868
Services are free, confidential and available 365 days a year.
By phone from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m., or by text or chat between 8 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.
The intervention model is based on “reality therapy.” Counsellors therefore do not provide ready-made answers or instant solutions, but rather work to equip young people to take greater control of their lives.
By phone from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m., or by text or chat between 8 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.
The intervention model is based on “reality therapy.” Counsellors therefore do not provide ready-made answers or instant solutions, but rather work to equip young people to take greater control of their lives.
Tel-jeunes Parents
Specialists in parent-child relationships, the professional counsellors at Tel-jeunes Parents provide free and confidential services to parents 365 days a year: 6 a.m. to midnight by phone, by live chat between 6 a.m. and 10:30 p.m., and by email.
The intervention model is based on “reality therapy.” Counsellors therefore do not provide ready-made answers or instant solutions, but rather work to equip parents so they can regain their confidence.
The intervention model is based on “reality therapy.” Counsellors therefore do not provide ready-made answers or instant solutions, but rather work to equip parents so they can regain their confidence.
Useful links
ERSB – Entertainment Software Rating Board
Website that provides age-appropriate video game options.
Other resources are available on the Parents.Quebec website.
Created in partnership with the Fédération des comités de parents, the Ministry of Education, and the Quebec English Parents Committee Association, the objective of the Parents.Quebec portal is to help parents of students guide their children towards academic success. Parents are asked to complete a short questionnaire, then receive recommended resources adapted to their situation. An FAQ section, an online chat tool, and video clips are also available on the website.
Created in partnership with the Fédération des comités de parents, the Ministry of Education, and the Quebec English Parents Committee Association, the objective of the Parents.Quebec portal is to help parents of students guide their children towards academic success. Parents are asked to complete a short questionnaire, then receive recommended resources adapted to their situation. An FAQ section, an online chat tool, and video clips are also available on the website.
Need Help Now
Website of the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, which offers information, advice, and support to young people under 18 who are victims of the distribution of sexual photos or videos of themselves on the Internet. The site outlines ways to have this type of content removed and explains how to seek help from a trusted adult.
For teenagers

Green Screen
Now more than ever, our lives are filled with tension between tech and nature, being online and offline. This is the daily paradox that BESIDE explores in Green Screen.
For kids

The Fabulous Friend Machine
A fun fable that tackles the pertinent issue of virtual friends and social media in a humorous way.

Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked
In this book, the author tracks the rise of behavioural addiction and explains why so many of today's products are irresistible. By reverse engineering behavioural addiction, he explains how we can harness addictive products for the good and how we can mitigate their most damaging effects on our well-being, and the health and happiness of our children.

My Brain Has Too Many Tabs Open
The author explores the cost that our digital life inflicts on our offline existence and offers a toolkit to anyone who has lost their way. Learn how to recognize and label harmful habits – both of yourself and others – and find actionable answers in this book.

Off: Your Digital Detox for a Better Life
We spend more time online than we do asleep. With so many ways to stay connected, procrastinate and distract yourself, it's not easy to let go. This book will help you log off and wake up to less stress and more time.

Parenting in the Screen Age: A Guide for Calm Conversations
In this book, you’ll learn how to: Bring up screen time without making your child or teen defensive; Talk through difficult issues like online social cruelty, sexting, and mental health; Engage your child in creating boundaries around Netflix, video gaming, and social media; Have screen time limits that actually work – with less of the sneaking or arguing.

Phone Detox
A palm-sized book filled with insights, ideas and meditations about the complex relationship we have with our phones.

Stop Staring at Screens
Technology was designed to make our lives easier, and yet it's one of the biggest drivers of family rifts and stress. Making healthy and realistic decisions about when and where you really need technology can be tricky but is essential for restoring harmony in your home.
For kids
The Fabulous Friend Machine
A fun fable that tackles the pertinent issue of virtual friends and social media in a humorous way.