Myriam Laventure, Ph. D.
Psychoeducator, full professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences, director of the certificate in addiction studies at the University of Sherbrooke
Myriam Laventure worked for 12 years as a counselor with adolescents with problematic substance use and their families, and she now conducts research focusing mainly on addiction prevention among vulnerable populations (children of parents with an addiction, youth with behavioural problems, Indigenous youth). In 2017, she co-directed and published the book Adolescents dépendants ou à risque de le devenir – Pratiques d’intervention prometteuses. In 2019, she also co-wrote the book Vivre avec un proche ayant une dépendance. She is a researcher with the Recherche et intervention sur les substances psychoactives – Québec (RISQ) research group as well as at the Institut universitaire sur les dépendances (IUD).